Field Calculator allows you to accurately and time-savingly segment your databases by creating calculated fields, that is, fields that automatically valorize if one or more conditions are met.
Once you configure the characteristics of these smart fields, the platform will automatically value them. And you will always be more efficient, as well as saving a lot of work, especially with voluminous databases.
For example:
- If contacts are associated with a zip code, you can create a field that calculates which contacts are from a specific city.
- If you know the date of birth of your contacts, the platform can automatically associate the zodiac sign and/or age group they belong to: child, youth, adult...
- Field Calculator also calculates the average of two fields or fields related to behavior and much more...
The automatic calculation of a field can be applied to all contacts, a single database or a specific group. The operation can be performed with a scheduled schedule or at the request of the platform user.
If no condition occurs, then the default value will be applied, which can be equal to the original value, an empty value, or another value.