The platform connects to Shopify through the Admin API.
Any user of the platform who needs to use the connector (in addition to the reference user for automatic operations) must personally connect their Shopify account and grant access to their Shop data.
Go to the connector Settings page following the path:
Management > Shopify > Settings
and fill the Shop url parameter, then click on Save.
Click the Connect to Shopify button and then click Install in the Shopify Window that will open to grant access to your Shop's data. We ask for permission to read certain resources (customers, orders, products and translations) and permission to write the customer resource (for the function of unsubscribing from the mailing list).
Once the account is connected, all the technical configurations present in the Parameters tab will be accessible and are already preconfigured with a default value.
We subscribe to some of the Shopify webhooks topic to stay in sync with Shopify in real time mode (mainly for automated flows and abandoned checkout sync). You can find a table in Parameters tab that shows a list.