Once you've connected the Shopify account, click on Syncronization configuration using contextual bar on the right side of the screen.
In the General tab you will find the option Enable import, that should be generally selected (used to activate / pause imports without losing the configurations made) and these sections:
- Import and update
- Checkout (only for Advanced version)
- Options
On the Fields tab, you'll find the mapping of Shopify's customer fields to the platform's contact fields.
Import and update
In this section you define:
- Destination database: the database into which contacts from Shopify will be imported.
User Code / Codice Utente
field.To change the primary key of a database, access the database setup from the Contacts menu.
From the right context menu select the item Contact fields. On the next page, from the context menu select the item Primary key and access the configuration page of the primary key and unique fields of the database.
Click on Next to read the details of the operation
then click on Save to put the changes into effect.
- Automatic import: activate this option if you want the import to be automatically triggered by the platform.
This option allow you to download from Shopify and keep it updated, the last abandoned checkout of Shopify for each contact synchronized from Shopify. According to Shopify definition, a checkout is considered abandoned when a customer leaves the checkout after the first page without completing their purchase. This option will trigger a separate operation (available in Log Activities and Synchronization Status) right after the customers import. Importing checkouts allows you to:
- Create targets based on checkout: in the filters on contacts (and in the contact card) you will find a new relationship field Checkout with the possibility of filtering by creation date / update and price.
- Automatically populate the communication created by the Shopify One to one template with information and products from the last checkout for a contact.
- Bringing contacts who have an abandoned checkout for some time into automated flows using the Abandoned Checkout (Shopify) node.
This section contains several options that allow you to further customize the synchronization.
Please, refer to the help to understand the meaning of each option.
Unsubscription cause
in the configuration of the contact's field and use it on options who require this value. Map Shopify fields to Database fields
In this section you can configure the mapping (i.e. the association) between the fields of the Shopify database and those of the platform.
The User Code
field is automatically mapped and corresponds to the ID of the customer on Shopify.
To configure additional fields click on the Add field button.
The set of downloadable Shopify fields changes with the version, with the Basic version you can download anagrafic fields only, with the Advanced version you can also download behavioural fields such as:
- Orders - Count
- Orders - Total spent
- Orders - Average amount spent
- Last order - Created at
- Last order - Line items quantity
- Last order - Total
- ...
To save the configured settings, click on the Save button at the top right of the page. However, the synchronization will not work until you activate the Enable import option.