To link the campaign activity completed in MS Dynamics CRM to the platform, enter the campaign activity and click on the Platform Connector button
Enter your login credentials in the authentication page that appears.
Next, select the journey in which you want to create the communication.
Target creation allows you to synchronize the communication target in the platform with that of the campaign.
Using the option "Let the audience associated with the target expire naturally" the static audience associated with the communication will expire based on the life time setting of the static audiences defined in the database settings
Contact interest allows you to work on either a general goal (a contact opening or clicking an item) or a conversion. In the latter case, you must have the web conversion tracking add-on activated on your platform account. The conversion can be triggered either on the contact, clicking a link, or landing on an external page, for example a thank you page.
At last, you can set after how many days responses should be automatically updated on your Ms Dynamics account:
and at what time the update should run.
Click the Import button to import the activity from MS Dynamics CRM to the platform.
After the operation is complete, an analysis of the activity is provided.
You can also change a few options:
By activating the Insert campaign responses in Dynamics enables you to also set a few options.
- Insert the Interested response for the contacts that have reached the goal
It allows working on the Dynamics contacts based on the achievement of a real goal. The goal can be general (the contact opens or clicks) or specified according to a conversion. In the latter case, the conversion's add-on has to be enabled on the platform. - Insert the Do not send marketing material response for contacts that decided to unsubscribe from the communication or that reported you as spam.
This response is a priority for the goal - Insert the Error response for the contacts who have registered a bounce and for messages that were not sent
- Insert the Not interested response for the contacts that have not reached the goal
A list of all MS Dynamics CRM campaign activities is shown on the platform, following the menu path
Management > Microsoft Dynamics > Campaigns activities imported from the CRM
You can access quick actions by clicking on the following tools
- Access the communication draft to change all the communication details
- Display the contacts that are in the target of the activity
- Update of the activity target
- Activity details
- Delete the activity