There are many functions that accept a query as argument, such as queryContacts, queryContents, executeSimpleQuery, executeUpdate.
All of these functions use the MQL language in order to express data access commands. This language is a sub dialect of standard SQL language, with some extensions and some limitations.
Basic Syntax
Some examples:
SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE status='subscribed' SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE name = ? SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE relationfield in (SELECT myvalue FROM MYCUSTOMTABLE WHERE customfield=123) SELECT name,myfield FROM MYCUSTOMTABLE ORDER BY myorderfield SELECT name,myfield FROM MYCUSTOMTABLE INNER JOIN OTHERTABLE ON MYCUSTOMTABLE.a=OTHERTABLE.b ORDER BY myorderfield SELECT * FROM MYCUSTOMTABLE WHERE myfield in (SELECT idcontact from CONTACTS) SELECT * FROM MYCUSTOMTABLE WHERE myfield = strtonumber('100,66') SELECT max(myfield) FROM MYCUSTOMTABLE SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE to_datetime(data_ultima_modifica) >= now(-3600) SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE to_date(data_iscrizione) >= today(-2) SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE to_date(data_iscrizione) >= strtodate('10/01/2020') SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE to_datetime(data_iscrizione) >= strtodatetime('10/01/2020 00:05:00') SELECT email, data_eliminazione FROM contacts WHERE status='unsubscribed' AND to_date(data_eliminazione) = strtodate('05/08/2020 19:22:00') SELECT * FROM WEBPAGES WHERE name LIKE 'mypagenamestartswith%' SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE to_date(data_ultima_modifica) >= to_date(dateadd(data_ultima_modifica, -1, 'day')) SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE STATS.TOTALCLICKS > 10 SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE STATS.IDCHANNEL = 0 AND STATS.TOTALCLICKS > 10
Supported SQL functions
This is the actual set of SQL functions:
- count(*): same as SQL function
- max(columnname): same as SQL function
- min(columnname): same as SQL function
- avg(columnname): same as SQL function
- sum(columnname): same as SQL function
- lcase(columnname): same as SQL function (convert string to lowercase)
- ucase(columnname): same as SQL function (convert string to uppercase)
- to_date(columnname): converts a column/scalar value to a date without time information
- to_datetime(columnname): converts a column/scalar value to a date with time information
- to_int (columnname): converts a value (string, decimal...) in an integer
- to_string (columnname): converts a value (date, decimal...) into a string value
- strtodate(date_literal): converts a string written as the date format of the user which is issuing the query (using the user timezone)
- strtodatetime(datetime_literal): converts a string written as the datetime format of the user which is issuing the query (using the user timezone)
- strtonumber (number_literal): converts a string containing numeric characters in a number
- now(offset_in_millis): obtains the current date time, scaled by an offset in milliseconds
- today(offset_in_day): obtains the current date without time (at midnight), scaled by an offset in days
- year(columnname): same as SQL function
- dayofmonth(columnname): same as SQL function
- weekday(columnname): same as SQL function
- month(columnname): same as SQL function
- dateadd(columnname,number_of_days,'day'): adds a number of days to the specified date
- fielddescription(fieldname): performs the lookup of a value and returns the value description of a list of value field
Dealing with dates and datetimes
When you write datetime and date literals directly in your MQL query, pay attention to always use the strtodate/strtodatetime functions which guarantee you that the system is going to parse them using your datetime format and especially your timezone.
if you try to use JDBC datetime literals, they will be interpreted using the local timezone of the machine which is actually running your query, resulting in an unpredictable behaviour.
Joins and Subqueries
You can use INNER JOIN, RIGHT JOIN and LEFT JOINs while writing queries which are on a custom table but not on system tables.
You can always use the 'IN' operator with a subselect in order to obtain the same result.
In subselects you cannot use data from the outer query.
System tables supported
Actually, you can write queries on all your custom tables and on some of the system tables.
You can only issue MQL queries in order to read data from system tables and you have to use the specific functions (like mergeContact) to update data.
Supported system tables:
CONTACTS: represents your contacts database;
You must have permissions to export data from the database to perform queries on this table. - GROUPS: represents the set of contacts' audiences;
STATICGROUPMEMBERS: represents the members of a static audience;
You must have permissions to export data from the database to perform queries on this table. - CONTENTS: represents your contents database;
- NEWSLETTERS: represents your communications;
- WEBPAGES: represents your webpages;
- SURVEYS: represents your survey;
SURVEYSESSIONS: represents the sessions of one survey;
You must have permissions to export data from the database to perform queries on this table. - WORKFLOWS: represents all the workflows in every state (active, paused or stopped);
- WORKFLOWSESSIONS: represents the active sessions of the workflow;
WORKFLOWSESSIONSFINISHED: represents the ended sessions of the workflow;
You must have permissions to export data from the database to perform queries on this table. -
SIMPLEMESSAGES: represents transactional messages (sent or bounced);
You must have permissions to export data from the database to perform queries on this table. -
RECEIVEDMESSAGES: represents the SMS and EMAIL messages received using the Message Receiver service;
You must have permissions to export data from the database to perform queries on this table. - RECEIVEDMESSAGESFOLDERS: represents the set of folders for messages received using the Message Receiver service;
- CONTENTTAGSTATS: contact statistics related with content tags;
- NEWSLETTERTAGSTATS: contact statistics related with communication tags.
- CONVERSIONEVENTS: represents the conversion events.
System tables: CONTACTS
The system tables contacts represent all of your contacts.
There is a column for each "field", such as 'email', 'status', 'timezone'....
Special columns:
Column | Type | Description |
idcontact | Integer | Id of the contact |
iddatabase | Integer | Id of the database of the contact |
status | Integer |
Returns a number representing the status of the contact: '0' for subscribed, '97' for unconfirmed, '98' for suspended and '99' for unsubscribed. Use the text value in the query like |
String | Email of the contact | |
stats.idchannel | Integer | Id of the delivery channel.stats.idchannel=0 for EMAIL stats.idchannel=1 for SMS
stats.ipaddress | Datetime | IP address of delivery of the last opened message deliveries |
stats.totalsent | Integer | Number of email messages sent using deliveries. If no channel is specified (using stats.idchannel ) you will get a record for each channel for which at least one message has been sent |
stats.totalreceived | Integer | Number of email messages received using deliveries |
stats.totalhardbounced | Integer | Number of hard-bounced email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalsoftbounced | Integer | Number of soft-bounced email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalopened | Integer | Number of opened email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalclicked | Integer | Number of clicked email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalcomplainted | Integer | Number of complained email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalforwarded | Integer | Number of forwarded email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalunsubscribed | Integer | Number of unsubscribed email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalconverted | Integer | Number of converted email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalopens | Integer | Number of total opens on email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.totalclicks | Integer | Number of total clicks on email messages sent using deliveries |
stats.firstsent | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first sent message using deliveries |
stats.firstreceived | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first sent message which has been received using deliveries |
stats.firstopen | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first opened message deliveries |
stats.firstclick | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first clicked message deliveries |
stats.firstforwarded | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first forwarded message deliveries |
stats.firstcomplainted | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first complained message deliveries |
stats.firstunsubscribed | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first unsubscribed message deliveries |
stats.firstconverted | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the first converted message deliveries |
stats.lastsent | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last sent message using deliveries |
stats.lastreceived | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last sent message which has been received using deliveries |
stats.lastopen | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last opened message deliveries |
stats.lastopenevent | Datetime | Timestamp of the last event which is considered an open |
stats.lastclick | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last clicked message deliveries |
stats.lastforwarded | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last forwarded message deliveries |
stats.lastcomplainted | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last complained message deliveries |
stats.lastunsubscribed | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last unsubscribed message deliveries |
stats.lastconverted | Datetime | Timestamp of delivery of the last converted message deliveries |
stats.engagementlevel | int | Numeric representation of the engagement level: 10 = Contact not subscribed, 20 = Out of recency, 30 = Never-openers, 40 = Ex-openers, 50 = New, 60 = Opener, 70 = Clicker |
slistsubscription.list_IDLIST.subscriptionstatus | String | Status of explicit subscription for special list IDLIST |
slistsubscription.list_IDLIST.subscriptiondate | Datetime | Timestamp of subscription for special list IDLIST |
slistsubscription.list_IDLIST.unsubcriptiondate | Datetime | Timestamp of unsubscription for special list IDLIST |
slistsubscription.list_IDLIST.subscriptionlastmoddate | Datetime | Timestamp of subscription last modification date for special list IDLIST |
System tables: GROUPS
Represents all audiences of contacts (dynamic and static)
Column | Type | Description |
idgroup | Integer | Id of the audience |
name | String | Name of the audience |
creationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of creation of the audience |
lastmodificationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of last modification of the audience |
Represents all the members of static audiences of contacts
Column | Type | Description |
idgroup | Integer | Id of the audience |
idcontact | String | Id of the contact |
System tables: CONTENTS
Represents all the contents
Column | Type | Description |
idcontent | Integer | Id of content |
name | String | Name of the content |
creationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of creation of the content |
lastmodificationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of last modification of the content |
taglist | String | List of tags associated to the content (only for WHERE clauses, not for SELECT) |
template | String | Type of content, for example 'article' |
totalclicks | Integer | Total count of clicks on messages sent (only on deliveries, not transactional messages) |
System tables: NEWSLETTERS
Represents all the communications
Column | Type | Description |
idnewsletter | Integer | Id of the communication |
idworkflow | Integer | Id of the workflow referred to the communication (only for notification messages template linked to a workflow) |
idcampaign | Integer | Id of the journey |
name | String | Name of the communication |
subject | String | Subject of the communication (email version) |
emailfrom | String | From header of the communication (email version) |
creationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of creation of the communication |
sentdate | Datetime | First final delivery of the communication |
sent | Boolean | True means the communication has been sent at least once (using deliveries, not transactional messages) |
draft | Boolean | True means the communication has never been sent (using deliveries, not transactional messages) |
template | Boolean | True means the communication is a transactional communication |
emailchannelenabled | Boolean | True means the communication can be used to send email messages |
smschannelenabled | Boolean | True means the communication can be used to send SMS messages |
faxchannelenabled | Boolean | True means the communication can be used to send fax messages |
status | String | 'Active' or 'deleted' |
designertype | String | 'Titano' or 'giotto' |
System tables: WEBPAGES
Represents all the webpages
Column | Type | Description |
idwebpage | Integer | Id of the webpage |
idwebsite | Integer | Id of the website |
name | String | Name of the webpage |
System tables: SURVEYS
Represents all the surveys
Column | Type | Description |
idsurvey | Integer | Id of the survey |
name | String | Name of the survey |
status | String | 'Active' or 'deleted' |
creationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of creation of the survey |
lastmodificationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of last modification of the survey |
Represents all the sessions of a survey
Column | Type | Description |
idsurvey | Integer | Id of the survey |
idsurveysession | Integer | Id of the survey session (to be composed with idsurvey) |
contact | Integer | Id of the contact |
completed | Boolean | True means the session has been marked as 'completed', false means the session is still active but not yet 'completed' |
status | String | 'Completed' means the session has been marked as 'completed', 'active' means the session is active but not yet 'completed', 'deleted' means the session has been hidden/deleted |
startdate | Datetime | Timestamp of the beginning of the session |
lastevent | Datetime | Timestamp of the last event on the session (useful for incremental downloads of data) |
ipaddress | String | IP address of the broswer (in case of use of dynamic addresses this is the first IP address used on the session) |
testsession | Boolean | True means the test submissions will be marked as 'test'. |
System tables: WORKFLOWS
Represents all the existing workflows
Column | Type | Description |
idworkflow | Integer | Id of the workflow |
name | String | Name of the workflow |
idcampaign | Integer | Id of the journey the workflow belongs to |
creationDate | Datetime | Date of creation of the workflow |
Represents all the active sessions of all existing workflows
Column | Type | Description |
idworkflowsession | Integer | Id of the session |
contact | Integer | Id of the contact |
idworkflow | Integer | Id of the workflow |
idstartingnode | Integer | Node to start with |
startdate | Datetime | Starting date of the session |
lastevent | Datetime | Last modification date of the session |
testsession | Boolean | True means it is a test session |
Represents all the ended sessions of all existing workflows
Column | Type | Description |
idworkflowsession | Integer | Id of the session |
contact | Integer | Id of the contact |
idworkflow | Integer | Id of the workflow |
status | String | Status of the session. Values: positive, neutral, error, negative, other |
idstartingnode | Integer | Node to start with |
startdate | Datetime | Starting date of the session |
lastevent | Datetime | Last modification date of the session |
testsession | Boolean | True means it is a test session |
Represents all the transactional messages which have been processed
Column | Type | Description |
idsimplemessage | Integer | Id of the message |
idcontact | Integer | Id of the contact |
messagetype | String | Type of message ('email','sms',fax') |
sentts | Datetime | Timestamp of sending |
opened | Boolean | True means the message has been opened by the recipient |
clicked | Boolean | True means the message has been clicked by the recipient |
complainted | Boolean | True means the contact reported a spam complaint on the message |
idmessagetype | Integer | Id of the message type |
status | String | Status of sent messages, used only to make a filter (can be 'notsent' or 'error'). It doesn't consider bounced messages). Example: SELECT idsimplemessage from SIMPLEMESSAGES where status = 'notsent' or status='error' |
notsentcause | String | Not sent cause as String for the message. Values: 'unknown', 'blacklisted_recipient', 'cancelled', 'unsubscribed', 'forbidden_from', 'forbidden_replyto', 'maxsize_exceeded', 'phonerecipient_notallowed', 'empty_recipient', 'forbidden_smsfrom', 'forbidden_smsnumericfrom', 'no_credit' |
idbouncecategory | Integer | Bounce category id. Use describeBounceCategories to get the category id mapping |
lastupdatets | Datetime | Timestamp of the last event on the message (such as delivery, bounce receipt, click...) |
externalID | String | The external assigned ID of the message |
idnewsletter | Integer | Id of the transactional communication |
destination | String | Type of message ('backendusers' for user messages, 'contacts' for contact messages) |
idwfsession | Integer | Id of the workflow session for which the message was sent |
Represents all the received messages
Column | Type | Description |
idreceivedmessage | Integer | Id of the received message |
msgfrom | String | From of the message |
messagetype | String | Type of message (can be 'email' or 'sms') |
msgto | String | Recipient of the message |
msgbody | String | (Processed) body of the message |
idfolder | Integer | Id of the MESSAGERECEIVEDFOLDER |
msgsubject | String | Subject of the message (only for email) |
msgreplyto | String | Reply to header of the message (only for email) |
creationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of receipt of the message |
lastmodificationdate | Datetime | Timestamp of last modification of the message |
status | String | Status of the message (can be 'active' or 'deleted'), used only for WHERE clauses |
Represents all the received messages
Column | Type | Description |
idreceivedmessagefolder | Integer | id of the folder |
name | String | name of the folder |
status | String | Status of the folder (can be 'active' or 'deleted'), used only for WHERE clauses |
Contact statistics related with content tags
Column | Type | Description |
idcontact | String | Id of the contact |
tagname | String | Tag name |
lastclick | Datetime | Last click on a content with the specified tag |
lastopen | Datetime | Last open on a content with the specified tag |
totalclicks | int | Number of clicks on a content with the specified tag |
totalopens | int | Number of openings on a content with the specified tag |
Contact statistics related with communication tags
Column | Type | Description |
idcontact | String | Id of the contact |
tagname | String | Tag name |
lastclick | Datetime | Last click on a communication with the specified tag |
lastopen | Datetime | Last open on a communication with the specified tag |
totalclicks | int | Number of clicks on a communication with the specified tag |
totalopens | int | Number of opens on a communication with the specified tag |
Represents the conversion events
Column | Type | Description |
idcontact | Integer | Id of the contact who converted |
iddelivery | Integer | Id of the delivery, if the conversion occurred from a delivered communication |
idsimplemessage | Integer | Id of the transactional message, if the conversion occurred from a transactional communication or workflow message |
idsurvey | Integer | Id of the survey, if the conversion occurred from a landing page |
idgoal | Integer | Id of the conversion goal |
goalname | String | Name of the conversion goal |
eventts | Datetime | Timestamp of the event |
value | Decimal | Value of the conversion (decimal separator '.') |