The following is the list of contact fields available for Field Calculator operations.
Field name | Value |
contact.values.FIELDNAME | Instead of FIELDNAME enter the ID of the database field |
contact.join.FIELDNAME.values.COLUMNNAME | Used to obtain the value of a field in a custom table. Instead of FIELDNAME enter the ID of the database field that connects to the custom table. Instead of COLUMNAME enter the column name of the custom table. Es.: |
contact.idcontact | Returns the ID of the contact. It is a field of type integer |
contact.iddatabase | Returns the ID of the database to which the contact belongs. It is a field of type integer |
contact.subscribed contact.unsubscribed contact.suspended contact.unconfirmed |
Returns the status of the contact in boolean format |
contact.sent contact.received contact.stats.opened contact.clicked contact.converted contact.forwarded contact.complainted contact.totalclicks contact.totalopens contact.totalconversions |
Contact statistics. The data is in int format. |
contact.lastsent contact.lastreceived contact.lastopened contact.lastclicked contact.lastconverted contact.lastcomplainted contact.lastforwarded contact.firstsent contact.firstreceived contact.firstopened contact.firstclicked contact.firstconverted contact.firstcomplainted contact.firstforwarded contact.lastopen |
Contact statistics. The data is in datetime format |
contact.lasttags | Returns a list, listing the last tags clicked by the contact |
contact.favtag | Returns the last tag of the contact, it is in string format |