Automated flows with (intelligently) optimised waiting times with AI Wait
AI Wait: after the AI Split node, another 'AI' node at your disposal for more efficient automated flows. The AI Wait node also revolutionises your automated flows, deciding for you which waiting times are most effective and productive.
Find out how AI Wait works
AI-driven translation for easy and cost-effective multilingual communication
We have enhanced our AI Translate app, adding contextual translation in the communication designer. Focus your attention on the content and redistribute the time and costs you would have spent on translation.
Discover AI Translate
Restyling for contact fields
With magnews release 29.01, you can see the contact fields in the Matilda interface. It is not a simple porting, but at the same time a simplification and enhancement in the creation of fields, editing and configuration of the contact form layout.
Read more about the restyling