News for Microsoft Dynamics Connector 10.0
- Perform post-import actions: At the end of an import process, you can set a function call belonging to another custom app installed on your account. It can be useful, for example, to send an email or SMS message at the end of the target update.
- Support for virtual entities: When importing a related entity into a data table of the account, you can now import Dynamics virtual entities with data coming from an external data source.
- Import values for lists: When importing entities, if you had a picklist (drop down menu), until yesterday you could only import IDs. Now, you can choose whether to import the ID or the label of the linked value, or even both. When searching for user entities, you'll be able to filter more precisely.
- Export the engagement field: We have made the platform's engagement field exportable. You can find it in the exportable fields in the Contacts Statistics category.
- Expiring static audiences: When you import a campaign activity from Dynamics and create a communication, you can also decide to create the static audience on the platform, synched with the Dynamics audience. Now, we introduced an option to expire these static audiences, audiences will be automatically deleted at the end of their lifetime, set in the Database settings menu (Management Settings Database).
New field types for Salesforce 8.0
- New Field types: We have added support for the following field types: currency, percent, number. For more information, we have included a diagram in the app documentation showing all field types supported by the connector.
- Turn a string into a "value": You may have had to use a string field in Salesforce for various reasons, but it always returned the same values. It is now possible to map a Salesforce string field into a list of values on the platform.
- Disposable static audiences: When you import a campaign from Salesforce, the corresponding static audience is created on the platform. From now on, you can use the option "Let the audience associated with the target expire naturally" to let these static audiences expire. The audiences will be automatically deleted at the end of the lifetime indicated in the database options (menu Management Settings Databases).
Automated flow and Prestashop 4.0
- More potential with new automated flow support: You will find two new event nodes in your automated flows. With the "New contact (Prestashop)" node, a contact enters the platform flow when they are added to Prestashop. For each new contact, you can, for example, send a welcome email or perform different actions for customers and subscribers. The "Abandoned cart (Prestashop)" node allows you to solicit your contacts or future customers, for example by sending dedicated messages.
- Add contacts to your Prestashop: If you have a form on a platform web page (or an on-site message or a survey), you can add two new actions to the completion button that respectively create a new customer or a new subscriber directly on your connected Prestashop instance. So, from today, not only can you use the platform to contact customers and subscribers coming from Prestashop, but you can also increase your Prestashop contacts through the platform.
- And finally, a small but useful improvement: Where there were select (drop-down selections), now there are more modern search selections to quicken your work. For example, when you need to select fields from the platform database.
Only send the latest news with Feeds 5.0
- Constant updating: To accommodate even our most demanding users, we have made the synchronisation of the feeds that create the content more frequent, it now takes place every minute.
- Shall I send or wait? Doubt solved: To avoid having to wait for feed synchronisations and still be sure to send your communication with new content, we have connected the synchronisation to the dispatch. When you access a draft communication, you will find the new "Feeds" tab. Here, if you select the option "Update the contents of the feeds configured for the journey just before sending the communication", the platform will automatically synchronise the feeds of the journey before sending it. This means that your contacts will receive the updated communication.
- Synchronisation history available: When you access the "Journey feeds" you will find a new menu that will take you to the "Delivery attempt history". Here you have a list of all synchronisations that have been triggered automatically with the new sending implementation.
- Limit total contents: Where you list the feeds to be downloaded for the journey, until now, you could set a maximum limit for each feed to be downloaded. Now, in addition, you can also define a total limit for the journey.