Apple Mail Privacy Protection: MagNews adds data and information to reports
On September 20, 2021, Apple released iOS 15. From this moment on, openings coming from the Apple Mail application can no longer be considered reliable: that is, actually responding to an actual opening by the recipient. For this reason, since October 6 MagNews has decided to adopt a precautionary approach and counts as reliable openings only those that include: openings from a client other than Mail and clicks from Mail clients (openings without clicks from the Mail client are not considered).
As previously announced we are introducing technology solutions and new features to manage the impact of Apple's release of Mail Privacy Protection (AMPP).
In this release we have worked on:
- core elements such as how data is interpreted and collected, and separate storage between reliable and unreliable events
- core reports such as the funnel and the mail client report
- functionalities that rely heavily on the reliability of the opening data, such as recall.
- Contacts using Apple Mail with Privacy Protection feature enabled: we no longer know if they open emails and/or when, unless they click, in which case we can be sure they have read them.
- MagNews: collects, interprets, discerns, records.
- You: view historical reports modified to accommodate new data.
We modified the method of collecting opening events, with this data we updated the reports: Global, Journey, Communication, Transactional and Database. Specifically, the update concerns the funnel and the mail client report. You can see the updated reports both in the classic version of MagNews and in the new Matilda interface.
We split the funnel. The email tab of the funnel, splits into: "Email" and "Email (estimate)".
- "Email": reports, as before, the data related to the number of emails you have sent (e.g. received emails, clicked emails, converted emails). In the opened emails, only the opens considered reliable are counted; this means that you may have a decrease in the number of opened emails and the open rate.
- "Email (estimate)": compared to the other funnel, open emails, unopened emails, open rate and click-to-open rate change. This data is calculated considering reliable and unreliable opens and performing an estimate of "probable" opens: how many emails could have been opened? The figure is therefore greater than the previous funnel and is intended to represent an estimate of the realistic/possible data.
We have updated the mail client report. Where there are mail clients, we have simplified the graphs and tables and better specified the names of clients and devices. For communication reports we have added a graph, with a table, that indicates the impact of Apple MPP: Emails opened or clicked (reliable openings) and Emails opened by Apple proxy and not clicked (unreliable openings).
How does recall work now? MPP has also had an impact on communications recall. To give you a choice, we've included an additional flag, which allows you to consider or disregard unreliable openings.
The old flag, to be precautionary and avoid sending the same communication to people who have already read it, does not send the recall to those who may have opened. So:
- Send to those who do not have Apple Mail client and have not opened it
- Send to those who have Apple Mail client and have not registered an open
- Do not send to those who have Apple Mail client and have recorded an opening (unreliable).
The second flag we added, instead, allows you to send also to contacts who have registered an opening in Apple Mail, even if you don't know if it's an automatic or real opening of the contact. If you select it, it's possible that your communication will also reach Apple contacts who had already opened the email with their client or webmail.
Measure conversions
Conversions and conversion rate: these aren't new metrics, but they've always been somewhat hidden in the platform. So we've empowered conversion goals to provide you with meaningful, easy-to-read indicators to measure the actual effectiveness of your actions on contacts.
If you have Web Tracking active on your account, you can reach conversion goals from the classic interface.
We have added a field to specify the type of goal, you can choose one of the proposed ones (Purchase, Registration, Completion, Download) or enter a new one. If the goal has a value, you can specify the currency.
Example: If the goal you want to measure is a purchase on eCommerce, you can create a conversion goal of purchase type, with Euro currency. By inserting the script that MagNews generates on the order conclusion page of your eCommerce, you can know how many platform contacts have purchased and find the conversion rate.
On the new Matilda interface you can see this data in:
- Contact home: the number of purchases of the contact, his total spend, the average spend per purchase and the conversion rate
- Main dashboard: how much your contacts spent (for each conversion goal created in the platform), the average receipt and the total number of conversions. This data is available for the last 30 days, but you can select the last 7 days or the entire life of the goal.
- Communication Report: how many conversions for the goal the individual communication drove, the conversion rate and the total spend generated by the sent.
- Journey report: how much all messages sent from this journey converted.
The conversion goal is not just the purchase. For example: if the goal of your messages is the download of a resource, you can know how many downloads were made, by whom, in how much time, which message was more decisive ...
Don't you see the menu Management Web Tracking? Ask your sales representative.
Have you already met Matilda?
Matilda is the new interface of MagNews. To access it, from the user menu at the top right, use the item "Try the new version".
If you want to get to visit Matilda and you don't see this item yet, ask your sales representative for the activation.
If you want to send us a feedback, use the form you find in the user menu in the lower left corner of the new interface.
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