Matilda: we are waiting for your feedback too
Matilda is the new interface of magnews. If you haven't tried it yet, you can access it from the user menu at the top right and use the item "Switch to Matilda". If you still don't see this item, ask your sales representative for activation.
In the user menu at the bottom left of the new interface you can find the link to the "User Guide", where there is the item "New Matilda interface" that contains some information about the use of the new interface.
You can use the item "Send feedback" to send us your requests for information or your more general feedback.
Highlight business fields in your database
A new feature allows you to highlight some contact fields of your database compared to the others. From the classic version, accessing the tab of a contact field, in the paragraph "Field use" you will find the options "Business fields".
The options affect the Matilda interface. If you tick a field you will find it in the "Highlighted" card in the contact's home page.
For example: you have an eCommerce synchronized with magnews and, in the contact's card, you want to see immediately the date of the last purchase of the contact and the total amount spent. From the classic interface you can set these two contact fields as business fields. From Matilda you will see in the contact's home page the new "Highlight" card that contains the values of these two fields for the contact. In the next versions we will further develop this idea, to make it more usable and effective.
For example, you will be able to see this data for the whole database, in its dashboard. For number type fields you will see the total and average for all contacts, for yes/no type fields you will see the percentage of contacts with yes value...
Note: you see the new options only if you have Matilda active. If you don't see them, read the article above...
New version for the Dynamics connector
Schedule at fixed hour
For import and export tasks, we have updated the task scheduling, adding the daily mode. Now you can run operations choosing one of two following modes:
- Hourly: set a time interval that must pass between each run. For example: run every 8 hours.
- Daily: set the time you want the operation to be performed. For example: run every day at 2pm.
The hourly mode was already present. How it works: every time you start the task, it schedules the next execution after the indicated number of hours.
If you want to run the tasks once a day, it is better to opt for the daily mode, every day they will be started at the same time.
New button action: Create contact in Dynamics
We have implemented a new survey button action: "Dynamics: create or update contact".
So from now on, if you make a platform survey to acquire new contacts, you can include this action in the confirmation button. You will be asked which type of contact you want to create (lead, contact, account) and the action will create the contact for you on Dynamics or update it if it already exists.
In the "Dynamics contact entity fields" section, you can create the contact with only the values inserted by contact in the survey, or you can also insert fixed values in some fields (e.g. it comes from the survey of ...). It is necessary that the key field linked to Dynamics is present on the contact.
In addition, you can decide to create the contact also in the platform too, in this case it will be added to the database linked to the entity (in the Dynamics app configuration).
We have restructured the PEC Manager app
PEC Manager is an app, already active for several years, that allows you to send certified emails to your contacts, therefore to use the PEC channel.
The main functionalities remain unchanged, we have streamlined the interface and added some parameters and utilities.
The app consists of two parts: Account and Sending Rules.
You can set up several accounts, which will be the senders of your PEC emails.
To set up an account you have to enter the email address and configure the outgoing SMTP server with the information provided to you by your PEC provider. You can also set up the saving of outgoing messages and enable bounce collection. In these cases you must configure the IMAP server and indicate the folders of the server where you want to save the messages.
For each account you can establish sending rules that decide whether an email, outgoing from the account, should be sent through the normal channel or through the PEC provider. Rules can be set on: sender email, sender name, recipient, subject, reply-to address.
For example: emails that have a certain email address as sender or that contain a certain text in the subject must be sent via PEC. Email messages that do not match any rule are sent through the normal platform email channel.
If you have the app installed, it will update to version 2.0 in the coming days. The PEC accounts and sending rules already set up remain valid and working, you will be able to continue to use the account to send PEC emails without doing any activity on the new app.
Are you interested or do you want to know more about this app? Contact your sales representative.