Do you really know your database? How is it composed, what kind of contacts are in it? It is not enough to know how many contacts are contained in a database or audience, what is really interesting is to find out the composition, origin, history, ... in a word: insight.
When you log into Matilda, in the Contacts list, you have a new tool, viewable by the pie icon next to the database or audience name. You can see two cards, on the right the contact engagement, on the left the business fields.
The two cards show you the status of the contacts that belong to the database and update according to the filters you execute. So at the time of creating a new audience you can see in real time:
- the value of the business fields, the fields you have defined as most interesting and highlighted, e.g., average receipt, last order value or NPS value
- engagement of contacts, a chart shows how interested they are in your communications, how much more or less loyal they are.
This insight is also available from the communication, when choosing or changing sending targets, you can check, for each audience, what are the characteristics and average interaction of those contacts with your messages. By then analyzing the most relevant elements, you can optimize audience building rules and try to have a prediction about the interactions you will solicit with your messages.