The following is a list of API functions related to communications and contents.
Creates a communication importing HTML creativity (or other format).
Returns the ID of the created communication.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idCampaign | String | Indicates the journey in which to create the communication and from which it inherits the options. |
content | Content | Content to import into the communication. Properties used:
options | List of <Option> |
Available options:
Return values: String
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Creates a communication from an existing template.
Returns the ID of the created communication.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idTemplate | String | MUST be a valid idTemplate got from getAllNewsletterTemplates(). Use global: or custom: if the template is custom in your account. For example: <idTemplate>custom:32</idTemplate>
idCampaign | String | Indicates the journey to which the communication belongs |
name | String | |
options | List of <Option> | Available options:
Return values: String
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Returns a link to show the communication on the web.
You can also specify a contact ID (so that it is logged).
E.g. you can use this function to share the link to the communication on Social Networks.
Parameter | Type |
idNewsletter | String |
idContact | String |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: String
Permissions: Export contact data from the database
Updates existing communication.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idNewsletter | String | ID of the communication to update. |
content | Content | Used to update the communication contents using the value of property Content.text (for Content.contentType text/html and text/url) or Content.binaryPayload (for Content.contentType application/zip). |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Deletes (hides) the selected communication.
Parameter | Type |
idNewsletter | String |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Returns information about a communication (note: templates are considered communications).
Parameter | Type |
idnewsletter | String |
Return values: MNNewsletter
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Returns information about a communication (note: templates are considered communications).
Unlike findNewsletterById this function also obtained additional information from CMS MagNews, this information is free-form and may change over time.
Parameter | Type |
idnewsletter | String |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: MNNewsletterDetails
Permissions: Manage communication of the journey
Returns a list of communications, selected with a query.
Use fetchNewsletters in order to retrieve the result.
If you want some RowSet's info, see Utility
Parameter | Type | |
query | String | Some example: SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE idcampaign = 5 SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE idnewsletter = 8 or idnewsletter = 9 SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE sent = true SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE draft = true SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE name LIKE 'myname' SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE name LIKE '%mynameendwith' SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE name LIKE 'mynamestartswith%' SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE name LIKE '%mynamecontains%' SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE sent=true ORDER BY sentdate DESC LIMIT 10 SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE sent=false ORDER BY creationdate DESC LIMIT 10 SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE sentdate > '{ts 2013-02-01 14:30:00.000}' and sentdate < '{ts 2013-02-01 14:30:00.000}' SELECT * FROM NEWSLETTERS WHERE creationDate > '{ts 2013-02-01 14:30:00.000}' |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: String
Permissions: Manage communications of all journeys
This operation is deprecated since API version 18.02, please use queryNewsletters.
Returns the list of communications (drafts, sent, ...) for a specific journey.
Use fetchNewsletters in order to retrieve the result.
If the parameter filterIdeditor is passed, you only get the communication belonging to a certain user (e.g., the one who created them).
If you want some RowSet's info, see Utility
Parameter | Type |
idCampaign | String |
filterIdEditor | String |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: String
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Returns a results page of a communications RowSet.
Parameter | Type |
idRowSet | String |
fromIndex | int |
toIndex | int |
Return values: List of MNNewsletter
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Returns a list of metadata about available templates to create a communication in a journey.
Parameter | Type |
idCampaign | String |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: List of MNTemplateInfo
Permissions: Manage communication for journey
Sets custom email headers for a communication.
Parameter | Type |
idNewsletter | String |
headers | list of FieldValue |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Creates a content (to be included in a communication or a web page).
Returns the id of the created content.
Datetime values and date values must be formatted using international settings of the user that is requesting the operation.
In order to create a content you have to define at least the field designerType as "giotto" and the proper magnewsType (e.g. "article", "link", etc; for more details see Content).
Then, because contents are organized in libraries, you need to define where to save the content: there is a library for each communication/journey/survey, a shared global content library, and therefore a content-private library where all children contents are stored (for a very advanced usage!). To save the content inside a communication you have to specify the field idnewsletter; to put the content inside a journey use the field idcampaign, whereas for a website-content just use the field idwebsite. By leaving all these fields empty the content will be stored in the shared global contents library.
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | Content | The content to create. Supported Content properties:
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: String
Permissions: Manage contents
Returns a content, with format dependent on the type of content (e.g. an image will provide the content of the file, a file will return an HTML string).
The object Content contains the field contentType that corresponds to the MIME Type related to the content.
See createContent for a more detailed description.
Parameter | Type |
idContent | String |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: Content
Permissions: None (every content is always public)
Deletes a content so that it no longer appears in the lists and that if a user clicks to see the main body the page is not found.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idContent | String | |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage contents
Adds a content to a communication that can be modified with the Designer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idContent | String | |
idNewsletter | String | |
block | String | The HTML container where the content will be inserted |
position | String | Where to insert the content inside the container (block). Supported values: first, last, the index position |
format | String | Used to specify the content type to use to draw the content inside the document. Leave it empty or null in order to let the system choose automatically the content type |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage contents and manage communications of the journey
Adds a container to a communication that can be modified with the Designer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idNewsletter | String | |
path | String | /idcontainer/#position. For example: /myContainer/#1 |
position | String | 'first' or 'last' |
contenttype | String | |
values | list of FieldValue |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Updates a container filling with all the given values.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idNewsletter | String | |
path | String | /idcontainer/#position. For example: /myContainer/#1 |
values | list of FieldValue |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Clears a container.
Parameter | Type |
idNewsletter | String |
path | String |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey
Inserts a list of content inside a communication using a mn:schemedef guide.
Parameter | Type |
idNewsletter | String |
path | String |
schemename | String |
data | FillNewsletterData |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: Void
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey and manage contents
Returns the list of contents/s ID in the communication.
Note: to get the communication content in the SMS format you have to use getNewsletterDetails
Parameter | Type | Description |
idNewsletter | String |
Return values: List of String
Permissions: Manage communications of the journey and manage contents
Returns the list of the contents ids that matches the given query.
To restrict the query to a specific library use option library; to set the context of the library set the value of the idnewsletter, idcampaign or idwebsite.
To execute queries by content fields you need to specify the contenttype option which selects the model for the contents.
Parameter | Type | Description |
query | String | It only accepts queries with 'select *', it doesn't accept queries that specify field names. Query examples: SELECT * FROM CONTENTS WHERE name = 'mycontent' SELECT * FROM CONTENTS WHERE name LIKE 'myname' SELECT * FROM CONTENTS WHERE name LIKE '%mynameendwith' SELECT * FROM CONTENTS WHERE name LIKE '%mynamecontains%' ORDER BY lastmodificationdate LIMIT 10 SELECT * FROM CONTENTS WHERE template='mycustomtype' |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: List of String
Permissions: Manage contents
Creates a media (a file sources) for use in a communication or journey.
Note: this operation returns other media structure because the file name could be changed if the system finds another media with the same name in selected library.
Medias are organized in libraries, there is one library for each communication, for each journey, for each content and there is a global media library shared among all contexts.
Inside the Media structure you have to fill idnewsletter field in order to put the media inside the communication media library.
To insert a media in a journey media library, you have to fill the idcampaign field.
If you leave empty idnewsletter, idcampaign, idcontent and idwebsite fields the media will be put on the global media library.
To get the URL of a media you have to use the syntax [image:filename.gif from=newsletter]
, specifying the library to use in the from parameter (e.g. communication, journey, content or global).
To get the URL of a media that is not an image file type (gif, jpg, png) you have to use [redirect:file name=filename.js from=global]
To get the URL that counts the number of downloads of a media that is not an image file type (gif, jpg, png) you have to use [link:file name=filename.js from=global]
Parameter | Type | Description |
media | Media | |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: Media
Permissions: Manage contents
Downloads info and contents of a media file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
idmedia | String | |
options | List of <Option> | Boolean content: if set to true the content of the file will be returned, if content=false then only meta data are returned. Use content=false if you are only interested in metadata. |
Return values: Media
Permissions: None (every media is always public)
Downloads info and contents of a media file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | |
options | List of <Option> | Available options: Boolean content: if set to true the content of the file will be returned, if content=false then only meta data are returned. Use content=false if you are only interested in metadata. Integer idnewsletter: id of the communication which contains the requested media (communication private medias). Integer idcampaign: id of the journey which contains the requested media (for communication private medias fill ONLY idnewsletter, and not idcampaign). Integer idwebsite: id of the website which contains the requested media.Integer idcontent: id of the content which contains the requested media. |
Return values: Media
Permissions: None (every media is always public)
Returns the description of all tags for defined contents.
Parameter | Type |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: List of MNContentTag
Permissions: None (every tag is always public)
Creates a tag for contents (Objects Properties).
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | |
type | String | must be simple or empty |
values | List of String | |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: MNContentTag
Permissions: Manage contents
A journey is a set of communication.
When you want to use Web Pages and Surveys of a Journey you have to use as idWebSite the value of the field idWebSite inside the Journey structure.
Creates a new journey.
Since a journey is a set of communications, if you want to create a simple email you should create a communication, not a journey.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | |
field | List of FieldValue | Available fields: subject: default subject for new communications emailfrom: default from email for new communications smsfrom: default SMS sender for new communications emailalias: default (display name) from name for new communications emailreplyto: default email reply to for new communications emailmultipart: sets multipart delivery, default for new communications cssinline: displays inline css, default for new communications emailenabled: enables the email channel, default for new communications smsenabled: enables the SMS channel, default for new communications faxenabled: enables the Fax channel, default for new communications useallmedia: sends on each channel available for contacts, default for new communications ignoreusermediapref: for multichannel delivery sends also on channels for which contacts have not given an explicit consent, default for new communications removedupemails: removes duplicate email addresses during deliveries, default for new communications removedupcells: removes duplicate mobile numbers during deliveries, default for new communications removedupfax: removes duplicate Fax numbers during deliveries, default for new communications defaulttarget: default target for deliveries (comma separated list of audience ids) forceusetarget: restricts target for deliveries to default target (true |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: String
Permissions: Create journeys
Returns lists of all journeys.
Return values: List of MNCampaign
Permissions: Manage all journeys
Returns information about a journey.
Parameter | Type |
idCampaign | String |
Return values: MNCampaign
Permissions: Manage journey
Updates a journey.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | |
field | List of FieldValue | options are the same as createCampaign |
options | List of <Option> |
Return values: void
Permissions: Manage journey
Returns the id and the name for all defined webdomains.
Parameter | Type |
options | list of <options> |
Return values: List of MNWebDomain
Permissions: None (every webdomain is always public)
Returns all transactional message events matching the given filters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | list of <options> | Available values |
Integer idsimplemessage: message id Integer idcontact: contact id Integer idmessagetype: type of id message Integer idmessagecategory: catetory id of the message String from: minimum event timestamp (for the format see formatting date-times) String to: max event timestamp (for the format see formatting date-times) String channel: event channel ("email", "sms", "fax" or "*") |
Return values: List of Simplemessageevent
Permissions: View statistics details