Through MagNews AppCloud Scripting API it is possible to implement custom web services operations.
A MagNews Application must extend classscripting.apps.WebServiceOperationExecutor
in order to define custom operations.
public class MyExtension extends scripting.apps.WebServiceOperationExecutor { public CustomOperationResult executeOperation(AuthenticationInfo auth, String operationName, CustomOperationParameters parameters, ClientInfo clientInfo, Context mnapi) throws Exception { CustomOperationResult result = new CustomOperationResult(); Manager manager = mnapi.getManager(); // do whatever you what..... return result; } }
Custom application code will be executed calling this operation
It executes a declared operation in a MagNews App
Parameter | Type |
authInfo | AuthInfo |
clientInfo | ClientInfo |
appId | String |
operationname | String |
parameters | ApplicationParameters |
Return values: ApplicationResult