Find herewith a list of examples useful to manage Java code
Testing the Connection to the service
URL serviceUrl = new URL("https://servername/ws/wsapi?wsdl"); MagNewsAPIService service = new MagNewsAPIService(serviceUrl); MagNewsAPI port = service.getMagNewsAPIPort(); java.lang.String serviceVersion = port.getVersion(); System.out.println("Connected to MagNews WSAPI v. "+serviceVersion);
Testing the research for a contact in the database
URL serviceUrl = new URL("https://servername/ws/wsapi?wsdl"); String password="My_Access_Token"; Credentials c = new Credentials(); c.setPassword(password); MagNewsAPIService service = new MagNewsAPIService(serviceUrl); MagNewsAPI port = service.getMagNewsAPIPort(); String idDataBase = "1"; // this is the default database String primaryKey = ""; MnContact contact = port.findContactByPrimaryKey(idDataBase, primaryKey, c);
Testing for a contact subscription to the database
URL serviceUrl = new URL("https://servername/ws/wsapi?wsdl"); String password="My_Access_Token"; Credentials c = new Credentials(); c.setPassword(password); MagNewsAPIService service = new MagNewsAPIService(serviceUrl); MagNewsAPI port = service.getMagNewsAPIPort(); String idDataBase = "1"; // this is the default database String primaryKey = ""; List<MnContactValue> values = new ArrayList<MnContactValue>(); List<Option> opt = new ArrayList<Option>(); MnContactValue emailValue = new MnContactValue(); emailValue.setField("EMAIL"); emailValue.setValue(""); values.add(emailValue); MnContactOperation subscribeResult = port.subscribeContact(idDataBase, values, opt, c); if (subscribeResult.isOk()) { System.out.println("Subscription OK"); } else { System.out.println("Subscription Failed"); }
Testing a communication creation
URL serviceUrl = new URL("https://servername/ws/wsapi?wsdl"); String password="My_Access_Token"; Credentials c = new Credentials(); c.setPassword(password); MagNewsAPIService service = new MagNewsAPIService(serviceUrl); MagNewsAPI port = service.getMagNewsAPIPort(); Content content = new Content(); content.setName("newsletterName"); //Test from HTML Content content.setContentType("text/html"); content.setText("myBodyExample"); //html //Test from URL Content content.setContentType("text/url"); content.setText(""); //url List advanceOptiondelivery = new ArrayList(); String createNewsletter = port.createNewsletter("myIdCampaign", content, advanceOptiondelivery, credentials); System.out.println("idnewsletter: " + createNewsletter);
Add contact info to a rowSet from file and insert contact to database
String idDb = "1"; //Connection to the service URL serviceUrl = new URL(""); MagNewsAPIService service = new MagNewsAPIService(serviceUrl); MagNewsAPI port = service.getMagNewsAPIPort(); java.lang.String serviceVersion = port.getVersion(); System.out.println("Connected to MagNews WSAPI v. " + serviceVersion); //Set credentials String password = "My_Access_Token"; //see OAuth 2 section. Credentials c = new Credentials(); c.setPassword(password); //create rowset String idRowset = port.createContactRowSet(c); //create static audience with autoexpire option Option ogroup1 = new Option(); ogroup1.setKey("autoexpire"); ogroup1.setValue("true"); Option ogroup2 = new Option(); ogroup2.setKey("expiredate"); ogroup2.setValue("20/05/2017 10:00"); List optionslist = new ArrayList<>(); optionslist.add(ogroup1); optionslist.add(ogroup2); String idgroup = port.createSimpleStaticGroup(idDb, "My_Static_Group_Name", optionslist, c); //read contacts from file Path path = Paths.get("myfile.csv"); byte[] file = Files.readAllBytes(path); //options for file Option o = new Option(); o.setKey("field_separator"); o.setValue(";"); FileOptions fileOpt = new FileOptions(); //column mapping fileOpt.getColumnMapping().add("NOME"); fileOpt.getColumnMapping().add("COGNOME"); fileOpt.getColumnMapping().add("EMAIL"); fileOpt.getOptions().add(o); port.addDataToContactsRowsSetFromFile(idRowset, file, fileOpt, null, c); //start asyncronous batch operation adding contacts to a static audience MnBatchStartOptions batchOptions = new MnBatchStartOptions(); batchOptions.setName("operationName"); batchOptions.setIdDatabase(idDb); batchOptions.setAddContactsToSimpleStaticGroup(true); batchOptions.setIdGroup(idgroup); String idbatch = port.startBatchContactsUpdate(idRowset, batchOptions, null, c); MnBatchStatusInfo statusInfo = port.getBatchStatusInfo(idbatch, c); System.out.println(statusInfo.getStatus()); </>