Web, survey and landing page
Field | Type | |
TYPE_NORMAL | final static String | "normal" |
TYPE_FORM | final static String | "form" |
idPage | String | |
name | String | |
idWebsite | String | |
idSurvey | String |
Field | Type |
idWebsite | String |
name | String |
primaryHostName | String |
homePageLink | String |
hostnameAliases | List of String |
idCampaign | int |
Field | Type |
idSurvey | String |
idWebsite | String |
name | String |
creationDate | Date |
Field | Type | |
idContent | String | |
name | String | |
placeholder | String | |
htmlname | String | |
order | int | Order for reports in MagNews |
type | String | Type of field: captcha, date, errors, multiplechoice, password, radio, select, submitbutton, text, textarea, checkbox |
Field | Type |
idContact | String |
ipaddress | String |
idPage | String |
idSubmission | String |
date | Date |
values | List of FieldValue |
Field | Type |
ipaddress | String |
idSession | String |
idSurvey | String |
creationDate | Date |
lastDate | Date |
completed | Boolean |
values | List of FieldValue |
testSession | Boolean |