Are you looking for ideas to create a creative and effective subject and preview text for your next Newsletter?
The solution from magnews, Subject Assistant, is here to help you!
What Subject Assistant is
Subject Assistant is an artificial intelligence assistant, available on magnews, that leverages the power and capabilities of ChatGPT to suggest subjects and preview texts based on the content of the communication you are creating.
Creative ideas, suggestions, and operational efficiency are the main advantages of using the new Subject Assistant.
Let's take a closer look at how to make the most of Subject Assistant.
How to use Subject Assistant
Click on the Subject Assistant button you find on the communication home. The window that opens offers you different combinations of Subject and Preview Text.
To achieve optimal results, the communication must be as complete as possible or almost in its final version since AI uses the content, alternative texts on images and buttons to prepare different proposals.
If you do not find inspiration from the provided suggestions, you can try again with the New suggestions button.
AI proposes texts of different tones and styles, but if you want to improve the accuracy of the content, especially if the communication has little text, you can add information by clicking on Options and entering the theme of the communication.
Once you have chosen the Subject and Preview Text combination, click on the Choose button to add it directly to your communication. At this point, you are ready to send your communication!