Discover why and how to send communications in multiple stages to optimize large deliveries and adapt your marketing and sales strategies.
What multiple stages delivery is
Multiple stages delivery allows you to split the sending of messages over different times. Instead of sending all messages at once, with multiple deliveries, you can schedule the number of deliveries, the days and times, and decide the percentage of recipients to include in each stage.
Why send in multiple stages
Multiple stages option is useful when you need to manage large deliveries that might take more time to complete. For example, it may be necessary to split the delivery to avoid overwhelming the website's system with a high volume of requests in a short period.
Additionally, sending large volumes of messages all at once might cause issues with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Gmail, Yahoo!, Tiscali, and others. These email providers might negatively view a high volume of messages sent simultaneously, potentially blocking delivery to final recipients or placing the messages in the spam folder.
Finally, sending messages in stages gives you the opportunity to monitor potential changes in recipient behavior based on the days and times messages are received. This allows you to adapt or modify your marketing and sales strategies accordingly.
How to send in multiple stages
To send a communication in multiple stages, in the delivery screen, define the recipients to whom you want to send
To send a communication in multiple stages, on the sending screen:
select the recipients;
choose the "Delivered in multiple stages" option;
define the number of stages, the days, times, and the percentage of recipients for each sending phase;
complete the delivery setup and confirm the send.