Identify the sending domain to associate with the web domain
Access the list of sending domains from Settings > Brand Protection > Sending domains
Click on the sending domain of interest. Here, the example
By clicking on the domain, you access its profile where you can choose the web domain to associate with it.
Associate the web domain with the sending domain
Click on the “Associate web domain” button, choose the web domain to associate, and save.
Remember that it is advisable for the sending domain and the web domain to be aligned.
How the connection between sending domain and web domain works
- In the communication settings you specify an email address as the sender
- The platform verifies which web domain is associated with the sending domain of the specified email
- The platform, automatically, will use the associated web domain for rendering the links
In this way, it will be easy to have an association between the sender and the links, the two elements that your contacts use to recognize you.