Take advantage of your profile features to optimize your experience and get the most out of the platform.
With dedicated tools for managing personal information, security settings, and monitoring recent activities, you have complete control over every aspect of your interaction.
Customize the available options to ensure that the experience is tailored to your daily needs and operations.
Haven't explored all the features yet? Log in to your profile and discover them now.
Login to user profile
Click on the logo located at the bottom left of the sidebar, from the menu that opens, select
'My Profile'.
This simple click will redirect you directly to the main page of your user profile, which is divided into three main areas:
- Profile Information
- Security
- Recent activities
Profile editing and customization
One of the strengths of the interface is the simplicity with which you can update your personal information.
The initial section includes key data such as name, company, email, and display preferences.
Want to change your email address? Click on the 'Change email' link and request a security code to be sent to the manager.
Contact the person in charge to obtain the code and enter it in the appropriate section, at which point you can update the address and save the changes securely.
To edit other data you can select 'Edit' in the upper right corner, this will open a window divided into two sections:
- Profile, where you can edit your name, surname, company, cell phone, and username.
- Preferences, which allows you to customize various aspects of the interface to suit your needs.
The language you select will be adopted by the entire platform and determine predefined formats such as dates, times or numbers, which you can always customize to your liking.
All this gives you complete control over how you interact with the platform, making your experience even more tailored.
Security and Permissions
Magnews places great importance on security.
You can decide at any time, to change your password or enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra protection.
To change your password, simply click on the 'Change Password' link.
When the password is nearing expiration, the platform will notify you by indicating the number of days remaining, and the link will update to 'Change it now,' inviting you to request the email for change without delay.
You will also have the ability to view the active permissions associated with your profile on the platform, such as access to FTP/SFTP services and communications management.
Disabled permissions will not be shown, allowing you to focus solely on the available functionality.
Each permission is clearly described, with useful supporting information, to ensure you fully understand the options available to you.
Monitoring recent activities
The 'Recent Activities' panel provides a detailed timeline of all the actions you have taken within the platform.
Date, time, and type of activity are presented in a detailed summary so that you have a complete overview of your operations.
Whether you are changing the design of a newsletter or deleting a contact, every action is automatically recorded and made easily accessible.
With convenient quick links, you can also directly access the content associated with each activity, allowing you to go straight to the relevant section and thus simplify the management and control of your daily operations.
To offer you more targeted assistance, there is also an 'Info' tab that provides a detailed technical overview; here you will find useful information such as the device in use, the browser used, and the IP address.
This feature is especially valuable for technical support, as it allows you to quickly identify any problems that need to be resolved so that you can continue to use the platform without interruption.