Using the MS Dynamics CRM connector Surveys feature, you can send survey results to a campaign created in your MS Microsoft Dynamics CRM account. After submitting the Survey to your contacts, you will be able to save the interest level of any contact to a CRM campaign.
Survey general setup
Before using the Survey function, you need to configure it.
First, go to the connector Setup page by following the path:
Magagement > Microsoft Dynamics > Setup
Select the Survey section in the main page:
You will enter the Survey setup page. The first time you access this section, you need to update the MS Dynamics CRM's campaign responses field definition. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to start the update.
When the update process is complete, a Campaign answers lookup field and a Campaign answers subject menu will be available. The first step is to enable the Surveys export function by selecting the Enable survey exporting checkbox:
Select a Campaign answers lookup field, which will be used by the MS Dynamics CRM connector only for managing campaign responses.
Then, set the campaign response subject. This subject is displayed in the MS Dynamics CRM campaign page. You can customize it using the following placeholders:
- $(response): MS Dynamics CRM response code (Interested, Not interested, Do not send marketing material, Errors)
- $(idsurvey): Survey id
- $(surveyname): Survey name
- $(startdate): Submission's start date and time
- $(lasteventdate): date and time of last submission action
Find herewith the default subject configuration:
And the equivalent result in MS Dynamics CRM: